2 minor updates for our members
we are happy to announce 2 minor improvements before a big update coming really soon
Don't worry, it will not take too much.. but if you can't wait, we can offer you some little updates in the meantime..
Fully new "logged as" popup
We have worked hard to improve our "logged in" popup and this is the result.... for now!Of course this isn't the final result, there are lots of new features hidden, that you can't see for the moment
Number of exporting translations
Now it is even easier to understand how many and which translations for which language you need to exportA special badge will "pop-up" whenever a new translation is available for exportation.
Re-design on mobile version
Now our website and services are fully available from your mobile devices (Tablets and Smartphones).Of course, even our support forum is available on mobile, with lots of new features.
Of course they are not big updates, but we hope you will find these useful for you
Soon, the big updates are coming