I forgot my password
I forgot my password
Passwords are very important for our service. This is the reason why we want to provide this guideline to solve the main password problems quickly and in a safe way.
Case 1: One of my translators lost its password
In this case there are two different ways to solve the problem:- Asking to the founder of your brand account
- Going to the I forgot my password page
- You can ask the founder of your brand account for a new password.
As a founder, you will have to login and go to Management > Translation team > New password and send a new manual password
Please note: any email notification will be sent and the founder will have to transmit the new password. Furthermore, the user will have to change its password with a safer one. - The other way is to go to https://www.TranslationsCloud/lost-my-password and ask for a new password by-your-self
An email notification will provide you the new password to login. Of course, remember to change it with a safer one.
Note: For security reasons, Founders cannot ask for a new password from this page (see next case)
Case 2: I am a founder and I lost my password
In this case, don't worry, there is a solution !All you have to do is sending a new private message to a member of the technical team, providing:
- Your brand name
- Your brand ID (if you remember it)
- Your brand email address
The brand email address is the one linked to your API key, not your founder email; of course, they may match.
Only our Technical Team has the permissions to manage passwords. Please do not provide your personal informations to other members.
Have a nice time !